Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Chemo day one

Day one of chemo went well. We were not able to get into bonnyville for the start of treatment so we get to stay in Edmonton for a few days. The first day at the cross was uneventful. Jeff gets all his drug intravenous so it takes a few hours to get all the drugs into him. It's super unnerving to be in a big room where everyone is getting poison pumped into their veins in order to combat an even bigger poison. The doctors and nurses are amazing and the volunteers really do help to make things easier. But it doesn't change the fact that everywhere you look, people are fighting a hard battle. 

Jeff was feeling good after his first treatment. He has been drinking lots of water and they push lots of fluid in with the drugs so I expected him to be up a few times through the night to pee. I woke up a few times when he got up but didn't think much of it until at 5am when he told me he had been throwing up. It was a long night for him having to get up so much and throwing up him anti-nausea drugs this morning didn't help. Arriving at the cross this morning was like a big breath of fresh air. They immediately started him on intravenous anti-nausea meds and they are working on getting him some more meds for home. Right now, all is well. Jeff is relaxing and ready for day two. 

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