Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Since the completion of radiation in 2013 Jeff has been trying to find his new grove. He has been helping his dad as much as he can around the farm and with me going back to school, he has really stepped up with taking care of the kids as well as chores around the house. 

In September Jeff's MRI report came back with some bad news. There had been some growth of his tumor and the oncologist scheduled another MRI a few months later. Growth again, although it was minimal, meant Jeff needed to be to seen by the chemotherapy team. We met another new dr and went through the details. The next 9 - 12 weeks for Jeff look like they are going to be tough ones.  He will have 3 different types of chemotherapy drug being pumped into him in 3 or 4 , 21 day cycles. Days 1, 2, and 3 are chemo days as well as days 8 and 15. Then he gets to start again for another cycle. Hair will fall out, blood count will go down, and nausea will become a part of life. We really don't know what to expect or how Jeff will react to the drugs but hopes are high that this will be the end of his cancer chapter. 

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